So I haven't posted in a while, due to school. Well I'm really bored on this Sunday so I decided to post. Yesterday was a fun day with the fambam. It was my uncle's birthday so everyone metup at his house. We played with 3 dogs in the house, watched TV, and chilled. It was fun. Then after the party I went to my cousin's house in Fremont. We basically played brawl and stayed on the computer the whole time. Oh, and I played basketball outside with my uncle and Jacob. It was cool playing basketball since I've been playing soccer for the past month. Fun day!
This weekend was another great weekend. From Friday-Sunday it was just great. On Friday we won our first soccer game. The score was 3-1. I had a hat trick ;) haha. After that I went home to take a shower and get ready for the festival. While I drove there I saw everyone who ate at Sen Dai. It was pretty funny cause my dad spotted them before I did. So when I got there I had to say hi to so many people. It was cool seeing everyone though! Friday was a cool night. Congratulations to Crisann, that was romantic lol. Although there was no ferris wheel, it still worked out :up: But I got pretty dizzzy on Friday, haha. Thanks ugly! You could've broken my rib on that one ride, haha. Just kidding. But that was fun. I had a big headache after that cause I didn't eat. I left around 10:30 and ate at McDonald's.
Then on Saturday, I got there hella early. I had to leave early because my little cousin was performing in the afternoon. So I got at SJB around 12ish, and metup with Michelle and Kristina. They decided to go to the mall so we walked from SJB to there. Then we met Steven and Kevin there and they chilled with us. Kristina didn't buy her dress. "Yaya" When we walked back we went to Taco Bell to buy a Fruitista Freeze. "Oh it tastes like mangoes" Then we got back to the festival at around 4ish. Russell thought we were at the mall so he went there, but we weren't there anymore =[ so he stayed there with his grandma. Sorry Russ. Then we were at SJB, we signed up for First Aid. It helped us with community Service. We basically did nothing, haha. Then we went to Foster Freeze to eat food. Then we realized that we were supposed to turn in our First Aid name tags so we had to hurry back to SJB.
When we came back, we chilled near DiskoTek the whole time. We rode it once, and that one ride was something to remember. "Cominghome" ;) Haha. SK3 x enV. I got in trouble by the guy cause I stood next to the door. Oh, and all these little kids from sjb came up to me and it was hella embarrassing haha. Then after that we just chilled. It was coool meeting everyone! =] Fun fun weekend.
So today, I woke up waaaaaay early. I woke up at 9 o clock because my alarm went off. So I had to get up. I wanted to go to church at 10:45, but my dad wasn't home to take us. So I ended up going at 12:30 with my dad and grandpa. I saw a couple people there. I sat in front of Roxanne and I saw Michelle Nguyen, Justin Shuaf, Joven, cousins, and a couple other people but Idk if they know me haha. After that we went to TK Noodle House. It was pretty good. I liked their smoothie. Then I went home and was sooooo bored. So I decided to organize my room since it was a Sunday and a beginning of a new week. It looks pretty roomy now. After cleaning, I ate adobo and watermelon. Then I went to my room to do HOMEWORK. Goodbye!
Going to YFC for the first time was amazing. Word to Kevin, Crisann, and Michelle for telling me to go. I don't regret it one bit. When I got there I was hoping that it wouldn't be soo awkward, and thank god it wasn't haha. Everyone was hella chill. It was cool actually meeting people for the first time! You guys are cool 8) Thanks Rowena for tying my shoes together -_- But the actual yfc learning experience was great. The topic for the night was Appreciation. We sang worship songs, watched a video, and made discussions. It was all just amazing. Hopefully I can go more in the upcoming weeks.
So today was another okay day at school. 1st period was hella wack. So I'm just going to share it with you today. So I was reading my texts behind my binder, then all of a sudden my phone goes on maximum volume so it made this one beep. And the teacher looked, but he didn't know who it was from. So then as I was about to put it on silent, someone on AIM signed off so it made that door closing noise and so I had to turn it in =/ I got a detention for tomorrow and my phone taken away for the day! Gayness.
Wow, so I haven't blogged in such a long time. Might as well start now, right? So today I woke up at like 10:30. I didn't get to go to church cause I already went on friday for school. But when my dad came home he brought bagels and a mocha drink. The mocha drink sucked cause it gave me the worst stomach ache the whole day! After staying home I went to World Gourmet buffet in Fremont. It was fun chilling with the cousins. Still had a stomache ache. After that I went straight to great mall to watch a movie with Crisann, Matt, and Russ. Russ was gay for watchign a movie by himself lmfao. So yeah, the movie was great. Hella funny parts, esp. the little boy ;) After that Matt and Russ left so I chilled with Crisann at the food court for a bit. I ate cinnabon and she had this spam roll. Then I went home to watch the VMAs for a while. Then talked to people on AIM, especially this one certain person that only 2 people know that I was talking to that certain person. You know who you are, haha. Well yeah, that's about it. School tomorrow =[
Wow, so I haven't updatted my blog since last last week. I've been hella lazy, stressed, and tired to post. Haha, well I'll post during this weekend about an update on life. Goodbye