Sunday, September 21, 2008

SJB Festival Weekend

This weekend was another great weekend. From Friday-Sunday it was just great. On Friday we won our first soccer game. The score was 3-1. I had a hat trick ;) haha. After that I went home to take a shower and get ready for the festival. While I drove there I saw everyone who ate at Sen Dai. It was pretty funny cause my dad spotted them before I did. So when I got there I had to say hi to so many people. It was cool seeing everyone though! Friday was a cool night. Congratulations to Crisann, that was romantic lol. Although there was no ferris wheel, it still worked out :up: But I got pretty dizzzy on Friday, haha. Thanks ugly! You could've broken my rib on that one ride, haha. Just kidding. But that was fun. I had a big headache after that cause I didn't eat. I left around 10:30 and ate at McDonald's.

Then on Saturday, I got there hella early. I had to leave early because my little cousin was performing in the afternoon. So I got at SJB around 12ish, and metup with Michelle and Kristina. They decided to go to the mall so we walked from SJB to there. Then we met Steven and Kevin there and they chilled with us. Kristina didn't buy her dress. "Yaya" When we walked back we went to Taco Bell to buy a Fruitista Freeze. "Oh it tastes like mangoes" Then we got back to the festival at around 4ish. Russell thought we were at the mall so he went there, but we weren't there anymore =[ so he stayed there with his grandma. Sorry Russ. Then we were at SJB, we signed up for First Aid. It helped us with community Service. We basically did nothing, haha. Then we went to Foster Freeze to eat food. Then we realized that we were supposed to turn in our First Aid name tags so we had to hurry back to SJB.

When we came back, we chilled near DiskoTek the whole time. We rode it once, and that one ride was something to remember. "Cominghome" ;) Haha. SK3 x enV. I got in trouble by the guy cause I stood next to the door. Oh, and all these little kids from sjb came up to me and it was hella embarrassing haha. Then after that we just chilled. It was coool meeting everyone! =] Fun fun weekend.

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