So today, I woke up with a smile on my face. I was ready for another day at school, and getting my new denim. Metup with James aka itscuzimasian on iss for some apc new standards sz 29. I was pretty scared cause they were hella tight on me today, but I'm guessing they'll strech to my size. Well yeah, after school was the start of my longass day. Ended up not going home with Jeanette cause I felt bad, haha. My dad picked me up around 4:20 and we went to Costco for food. Once we were done eating we went inside Costco. It was hella unexpected that my dad decided to buy the d60, haha. I was pretty happy though. It's niiice. After Costco we reached Lawrence Expressway, and my dad's car dies on us -___- so cars are hella just behind us all like 'wtf' so he pushed it into a neighborhood as I steered. It was pretty embarrassing. But we ended up going home around 8:45 thanks to my dad's friend. Gaaaaah, what a fk long day. If my dad didn't buy the d60, my day would've felt even longer.. Thanks Dad.
whoa, you live in sunnyvale?
at least the pictures came out nice? :D
oh! where the waffles from your last post good?
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