Thursday: So let's see. It was the first day of no school so chill chill chill. I woke up at around 1 in the afternoon. I don't think I did anything the whole day though. Oh yeah, I went to the post office to delivery some shoes to San Fran. Then I visited SJB and talked to Ms. Dargis for a bit. Then I had confirmation for an hour and a half with my dad.
Friday: The weather was so perfect for chilling. Once I got home from dropping off my grandpa I metup with Matt at my house. We walked to Q-Cup to meetup with Karl and Justin. Haven't seen those guys in forever I sweaaar. Nice seeing/chilling with them for a bit. Q-cup was wonderful though. Ordered a scooop a mango, but ended up failing by saying mango a go go hahaha. After Q-cup we went to Tap-x to buy Crisann's calamari. Then we walked back to MHS to see everyone. The calamari was hella smelling on our way there, haha. But once we got there it was just nice seeing everyone. Michelle, Angelica, Kristina, Cindy, Crisann, RayJay, Kevin squared, Mark, Chris, Bryan, Andrew, Mariel, Rowena, Charmaine, and everyone else lawls. Thanks for the sour bites, mSb :) It was nice to finally meet you. After MHS we walked down Escuela to some house, but ended up getting kicked out cause we were going to make too much noise -__- haha. Oh wells, Jansen and I had a nice talk and went to Nob hill to meet with Catap, Mark, and Chris. I bought Frosted Flakes, Chris bought bread, and Jansen bought capri sun, hahaha. After nob hill we walked over to Mark's house, we had lots of laughs. Nice to finally meet Mark, haha. After Marks I had to go home so I could go to confirmation. It was pretty cool. I was holding in my bladder the whole time.. Haha, let it out at Andrew's house after. We watched hella crazy March Madness games. Soo many upsets! Then I came home at around 10:30ish. My feeet are sore as hell right now -__- It was a fun day though. Makes me look forward to summer.
Saturday: I was hella looking forward to this day. March Madness in Pavalkis Hall was fuun. Well it was alright. It sucked cause our team lost the first game and never played again. But shot around a lot and played 21. After March Madness I went to my aunts baby shower and ate hella food and watched March Madness.
Sunday: Wow I'm really lazy to blog about this day haha. Woke up to go to Jacob's game in Hollister. It's hellla far, but they ended up winning by like 20. Hella good young players though. After that we went to Gilroy to try to shop. I bought slippers and a shirt woo! I was planning on buying something from vans, but it closed on us right when we got there. It was a fun/tiring day though.
Creds to Jansen

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