Haha, coming to an end of summer vacation I've been so busy/lazy to edit my blogspot. I've been on vacation, playing basketball, and trying to finish my book report. But thank God I'm almost done. Reno trip was bomb. Won a Lakers towel, Warriors towel, and a Warriors little dodgeball thing haha. But the season for BYC has come to an end. Our team won championships by 30 points. Our final record was 5-2 for the summer. I don't know what else to say haha. I'll try and start posting more updatedly. Tired. Gooodnight world.
WDYWT- No idea what day this was lmao.
PLEASE BUY MY SHIT! If you're interested in any of these, please contact me at ayerayray on AIM.
Selling your shit aye ? Lol, Im really losing interest in shoes. What sizes are the Awayguns ?
i'd buy it if i could fit it :)
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