Omg, so I'm writing this post as if I just got back home from Outback Steakhouse. So today, I woke up at 7 o clock because I was too excited for the wonderful day. When I got out of bed, I went pee then laid back down on my bed. So I wanted to wake Michelle up, so I called her. She was halfasleeep when she picked up hahah. So she went back to sleep. Then I called Russ, but he didn't pick up. GAY. Then I called Matt, but he didn't pick up. GAY. Then I called Andrew, and he picked up. YAY. So our plan was to meet at the bus stop at great mall around 10 o clock. But that time failed so we ended up meeting at around 10:45. I wanted to eat some McDonald's, but I didn't get to =( So I was super duper hungry. When we got on the bus, there was no bus driver haha. So Michelle ended up stealing. o0o. All the cool people had bus passes. When we got to bart, we walked so far because we went the wrong way. But buying tickets for bart was confusing. All of us struggled. And I didn't get to use my quarters. Boo. So when we went upstairs, our bart train hella just left when we got up. So we had to wait 10 more minutes. While we waited we took pictures. So when we got on bart, i forgot what we did haha. When we got to sf, we went to this food court so Matt could buy Creampuffs for Crisann. Idk if it was good or not, because I have never tried some. But then later on, we rode up the escalators but we stopped on the 4th floor I think because we metup with Crisann's cousins. So then we all went out to downtown sf. Me and Matt bought cookies. Then we first walked down to post street to The Hundreds. It was actually my first time experiencing it there haha. Not what I expected to be inside. But it was cool. Then Matt, Russ, and I split up to union square while Michelle and Crisann get lost haha. We took pictures with all 3 hearts, no homo. Then we went to Macy's food court to get some foood. I got a chicken tender that looked like a seahorse. After that we walked back to find a bus to haight. The bus ride sucked! I hate standing I hate standing. There were interesting things that happened. 1) hobo grabbed my hand. 2) i stepped on a girls foot. 3) i elbowed a lady on the head while she was sitting down. Yeah, Crisann missed it haha. Haight was coooool, we went to Stussy then we walked to American Apparel and Kid Robot. Didn't buy anything from american apparel but I got a waffle keychain at kidrobot =] Crisann got a bagel and Russ got an ice cream cone. Michelle needs to buy one haha. After that we went back to true to look at clothes. The most amazing thing happened. Passion walked in and I told Russ "is that passion? is that passion?" He didn't know, but he was like oh yeah it is. So I decided to get a picture since I missed to get one at pga. No homo tho. Then after that we went back to downtown. Then I think we went back to bart and went home. But the day wasn't over yet. We went to outback steakhouse to celebrate Crisann's birthday. It was super fun. Kevin met us there since he didn't go to sf with us haha. Wooo! I had a bacon cheeseburger. It was goood. Then we alll started kicking each other for some reason haha. It was fun. Then when we all got home we webcammmed and talked until 3. This day willl never be forgotten!
aye ray ray (12:37:53 PM): do you want to type anything in my blog? haha
x3 moochelle (12:39:58 PM): haha, it's okay. I might say something stupid
My pictures:

She didn't notice what the iPhone said until today haha.

Crisann's pictures:

I will never forget this day. Thanks for making my summer guys.
seems like you guys had a blast.
Your welcome Ray. but dude.. we have some retarded facial expressions.
you guys are the besterest. my blog ftw though!!
hella pics.
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