Hella fun day today. Got to see many peoples. First Andrew came to my house as I was taking a shower then he started to play brawl. I joined him for 1 match and owned him, but lost. Then we walked to MHS to meet Russ, Justin, and Christian. Saw a lot of cool people at mhs. After MHS we went to Starbucks. Mint Chocolate chip Mocha ftw! But I felt like I had diarrhea after haha. After Starbucks, we all went to Andrew's house to check out his cool Nikon and play basketball. After Andrew's we went to Angela's pool to go swim, it was fun but I can barely open my eyes now. Then we went to Mountain Mikes Pizza and ordered a mountain sized pineapple chicken pizza. Good Stuff. Then we went to Angela's house to chill. After Angela's, it was back to Andrew's to move boxes and play some basketball. Now I am home. CREDITS TO ANDREW!
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