Monday, June 30, 2008


Alright, since I didn't do an overview on this weekend I'll do it right now haha. Well this weekend was nothing but BASKETBALL. On Friday, I had 2 games at sla. We won our first game and lost our second game. Then on Saturday, we lost all our games except for the last game. Then Sunday we lost all our games. Even though we lost, we played so much better. Our coach actually looks at us as a team. But yeah, when I got home I was so tired. I took a nap from 6-7:30 so that felt pretty good.

And congratulations to Manny Pacquiao aka "The Mexicutianator" for defeating David Diaz and earning his lightweight championship belt. But Diaz was cool for being a good sport. His interview was the funniest thing ever haha.

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