Haha, so I got up this morning thinking that I was going to be hella tired since I had a 6 hour sleep but I wasn't so tired. Yesterday, I fell asleep to watching Good Luck Chuck on the internet. I thought it was pretty good. Oh yeah, I also videochatted with Chanda and Christian last night haha. We played rock, paper, scissors, strip. I ended up winning! But then today today I went to Matt's house. First I walked to Andrew's house which was pretty far then we took a bus to Matt's. When we got to Matt's, we just chilled for a bit and went to his appointment with his chiropractor. Then we just chilled at Lee's Sandwiches and Taco Bell for the time being. When we had to go back, the funniest thing happened. We all waited for the light rail to come by so we could go back to Matts righht. So then when we were all about to go inside we saw that there was a security guard (we didn't buy tickets) so we went into a different train. Then Tito, not knowing which train thing to go in, got left behind because the doors closed on him LMFAO. We didn't do anything and all started laughing at him because he was just standing outside the lightrail just looking at us and chasing us lmfao. So then we laughed the whole way and waited for Tito cause he ran the whole way back. Then we went back to Matt's and played basketball and ultimate frisby. Then we chilled inside after and ate Pirates Booty and Bagel Bites. Fun day!
WDYWT: matt's house

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